A Letter From Our CEO
SUPPORTING EMERGENCY RESPONSES FOR COVID-19 WITH OUR GOVERNMENT, CUSTOMERS, AND COMMUNITIESOn March 13th, 2020 DSI implemented an aggressive program to address the threat of COVID-19. DSI has aligned our efforts with the Federal, State, and Local Governments guidance and mandates. We are committed to ensuring both our employees’ health and well-being and continuing to support our customer’s needs.
Due to the seriousness of the continued spread of COVID-19 daily, DSI employees have been instructed to follow the Center for Disease Controls (CDC)’s best practices for social isolation and stay at home policies. DSI is supporting this effort using our in-place assets to construct and operate a virtual workforce. DSI has also integrated our virtual workforce with our customer’s remote work policies.
DSI is pleased to announce that our COVID-19 virtual workforce response has exceeded our expectations and that the company is fully operational. All support functions associated with our AEON product lines are on-line, available, and delivering on our commitments. We have received numerous comments that our transition has been ‘seamless’ from our customers.
DSI will continue to support our virtual workforce until directed otherwise by our State and Federal governments.
On a personal note, on behalf of DSI, I would like to express our deep appreciation to our employees and our customers for helping our country successfully battle this pandemic. We stand ready to offer any assistance within our capabilities to you and your families. We also wish our global community well in this effort and hope that the seeds of this pandemic will sprout into the cooperation needed for humankind to thrive on our planet.
Best Regards,
Daniel E. Carr
Chief Executive Officer
Distributed Solutions,Inc.
Distributed Solutions, Inc. is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability or protected veteran status.